About Me

You might say my first language was C, but I was learning Spanish even before that!


My dual interests in computer science and human languages has drawn me in to studying Natural Language Processing. I am currently finishing my masters degree in computer science, specializing in machine learning and artificial intelligence. As part of these studies, I am researching how multilingual language models improve performance on low resource languages. Before going back to school full time, I worked at SingleStore (cloud, distributed, SQL database software) for 5 years. This equipped me with the necessary skills to work with large datasets, perform ETL processes, and design scalable data architectures. Additionally, I specialized in query optimization and performance tuning at SingleStore. I won several awards for developing these skills and giving trainings on them. My combination of technical expertise in NLP and database management makes me an ideal candidate even for small teams where NLP engineers need to do their own data wrangling.

While a lot of NLP engineers come from a purely Machine Learning viewpoint, I bring additional background in linguistics. As a polyglot, I speak four languages: English, Spanish, French, and German. I’m always looking to learn new languages. I’ve dabbled in Arabic, Russian, and Wolof and am currently studying Japanese! This linguistic background has provided me with a deep understanding of the complexities of language, and how it can be processed and analyzed by machine learning models. My diverse background and experience give me a unique perspective that will be valuable in solving complex NLP challenges.

With this combination of skills in NLP, ML, Data Engineering, and linguistics, I’m excited to pursue a role as an NLP Engineer. Please see this portfolio as examples of my work in this area.


I’m an avid gardener. Ask me about home grown tomatoes to learn more (at your own risk)!

My Garden

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